Raquel Aparicio
T +34 665 788 224
[email protected]
I was born in a cold November with my twin sister Saelia in Ávila.
In 2006 I started illustrating as a pro working for magazines, books, advertising and print designs for textiles.These are some of the very fine people that I worked with.
The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, The working actor, The Scientist, Nylon, Dazed and Confused (Corea), Runner’s World, Prevention, Rolling Stone (Spain ), Mía, Elle, Quo, Angel’s on Earth, Ragazza, Stella (UK), Psychologies, LDS Living, Ling, Yo Dona, Viajar, Looc, Forma (Paraguay)
Simon and Schuster (US), De Agostini / ENI (Italy), Planeta, Anaya, SM, Edelvives, Seix Barral, Gadir, Shambhala Publications.
Wendy´s, Ecoembes, Nokia, Orange, El Corte Inglés, Springfield, Dulux (Malaysia).
INJUVE, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Junta de Castilla y León, Xunta de Galicia.
Oysho (Inditex), Tous, Modacliqué, Monstersthreads.
For a while I taught a collage illustration workshop at the Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid, I also taught at diverse countries as Serbia or Paraguay.
I work in a variety of media exploring different styles, producing illustrations, animations and comics. The results have been selected in several juried competitions: Communication Arts, American illustration,Society of Illustrators 50, Illustration West 45, Injuve 2009, CineJoven 2006, Opel Corsa Animate 2006.